Upcoming Dates
To be announced soon!
Past Dates
November 17
When a duck turns 18 a boy will eat her// Performer and choreographer // Performance at Reykjavík Dance Festival
November 6-12
The Rocky Horror Show
// Choreographer // Performances at Gamla Bíó, Reykjavík
October 12
Getting There // Performer // A! Performance Festival in Akureyri
August 27-31
Icelandic ambassador for dance // Tanzmesse 2024
August 4
Performer for Hatari // Innipúkinn, Reykjavík
July 24
Rólegan Æsing // Performer & choreographer // Gerðarsafn, Reykjavík
July 5
Hlið við Hlið (premiere) // Choreographer // Afturámóti theatre, Reykjavík
May 10-17
Residency for When a duck turns 18 a boy will eat her // Dansverkstæðið, Reykjavík
April 10-14
Dramaturgy workshop // Limassol, Cyprus
March 1-31
Pragiedruliai Residency // When a duck turns 18 a boy will eat her // Panevezys, Lithuania
February 26
Comfort in Discomfort // Performer // Icelandic University of the Arts
November 6-10
Unfinished Tales // Collaborative project // Performance in Annantalo, Helsinki
November 2
Performer for Hatari // Iceland Airwaves
October 15-31
Unfinished Tales // Collaborative project residency // Copenhagen, Denmark
September 9- October 15
Kjarvalsstofa solo residency // Cite Des Arts // Paris, France
September 1
Sund (premiere) // assistand director // Tjarnarbíó, Reykjavík
June 5-18
Eskus two week Residency with Leevi Rauhalahti // Helsinki, Finland
May 20
Lónið performance // choreographer and assistand director // Tjarnarbíó, Reykjavík
March 2
Óbærilegur léttleiki knattspyrnurnar (premiere) // assistant choreographer // Tjarnarbíó, Reykjavík
February 18
Icelandic song competition for Eurovision // Dancer // Iceland
November 17
birta (premiere) // Solo work // Reykjavík Dance Festival 2022
June 24
Graduation from Iceland University of the Arts // Ba. degree in contemporary dance and choreography